When your reputation is on the line, you need expert counsel on your side.
In complex legal, business, regulatory, and media environments, companies may find themselves in need of a master communicator capable of leveraging message and tactics to achieve a specific, strategic objective. When it comes to high-stakes communications, we deliver. In customer surveys, 100% of Berg & Associates clients rate the quality of our strategic advice and insights as exceptional. We bring together extensive experience in politics, government, public affairs, and media with formal communications training, exceptional writing and message development skills, and PR know-how to produce results that protect your reputation.
Public Affairs:
The Berg & Associates team brings more than two decaces of experience guiding communications for organizations that need to engage in public policy issues. Whether you’re proactively seeking a solution or defending your organization against a threat, we can help you tell the right stories to the complex mix of stakeholders that have a dog in the fight.
Narrative Control:
Developing an effective narrative begins with research. We survey external dynamics like the media environment and history of similar issues.We marry those research insights with the goals you’re trying to accomplish and develop narrative recommendations, including key messages, messengers, and channels that you want engage.
Issues Management:
From public policy threats to labor disputes, there’s no shortage of issues that threaten can put a company’s reputation at risk today. We help you identify emerging issues, develop communications strategies, manage tactics and key stakeholders, and resolve the issue before it becomes a crisis.
Media Management:
We bring speed and agility to executing media outreach on your behalf or fielding in-bound media requests, providing recommendations that align with your business goals, as well as message and spokesperson preparation, as needed.
Want to learn more?
Call or email us to get in touch.
