Creating a brand: Lessons Learned from CEO Shannon Berg
In 2017 I stepped off the edge of the earth. That’s what it felt like to quit my job and found Berg & Associates LLC. I admit, my confidence and expectations weren’t high. But here we are, a little over 3 years later, recognized for our influence in the business community. We’ve won business and awards. We’ve built technology, a healthy culture, a diverse team of senior talent, and best of all, trusted client relationships. My friend and coach Michael Dauphinee once told me in the choice between what we know and what we want, the familiar almost always wins. Choosing the unknown and creating a brand has been an extraordinary experience. Here’s 10 things it’s taught me:
1. Believe in yourself. Always.
2. Love your people. Be good to your employees, customers and vendors.
3. Live your values.
4. Trust your gut. (It brought you this far!).
5. Reject the scarcity mindset. It leads to poor decision-making.
6. Broaden your circle. You need collaborators and accountability.
7. Make frenemies. Some of my strongest allies are also my competitors.
8. Find your voice.
9. Try new things and fail.
And finally, #10. Take care of yourself. Your business needs a healthy you.
Thank you to everyone who’s been along on this wild ride. The best is yet to come!